
Showing posts from November, 2013

Tayo ay tuldok lang

Cebu. 10.15.13 8:12 AM MLA. It was a fine weather when I was on my home from an over night shift. In a few seconds I thought a plane was about to crash when I saw the people staring upward while running inside their houses, but when I knew a magnitude 7.2 hit Bohol I tried to focus going home and praying that everything should be fine way back home. A few minutes later everyone was calm but some aftershocks went on shaking the grounds, until 3 more weeks we still feel some tremors. The last year's quake was most agonizing because I was 8 months pregnant and I have to do the evacuation 2 times that day... The funny part was when everybody has already gotten out of the building except for the pregnant woman who was struggling her way down at the fire exit, lol! that was the effect of adrenalin rush for normal people. In the afternoon a Tsunami false alert created a panic in the whole downtown, I was in the 5th floor while watching the people scrambling around like a disturbed col